Thursday, August 31, 2017

Apostolic Study Bible By Word AFlame

My Mini Review of the Study Bible

The Deluxe Edition of The Apostolic Study Bible is great, it is well organized and easy to follow. I'm not sure if the Standard Edition of this Holy Bible has been fixed, so I would not purchase it unless you personally contact and ask Word of Flame if it has been. In the first printing of the standard version, Psalm Chapter 83 Verse 9 was accidentally left out. You want the whole Word of God right? It just goes from verse 8 to Verse 10, but it is included in The Deluxe Edition. So I have no quarrels with The Deluxe Edition, other than I wish it said Holy Bible on the top and on the side in Gold, like most Holy Bibles do. And with any commentary in Study Bibles, make sure to judge it with scripture, fasting and much prayer. Long story short, this Bible has been a blessing to me, and has helped me as a Youth Leader. It is terrific for new ministers, and anyone that has a thirst for Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit. (This Holy Bible is King James Version, the only version I use too.) God bless, and Happy Morning in Jesus name!
Pastor Steve Waldron's review of the Study Bible
(very in depth longer review in Jesus name)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017



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Lifestyle is in Jesus name.

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Christian topics under construction in Jesus name.

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Hymn Box is under construction in Jesus name.


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Sleep Apnea Screening

     Hello, night-owls. My Mom is not too keen on taking a Sleep Apnea test tonight. The setup was suppose to be simple, however it took awhile to figure out. Unfortunately, soon after I realized I overused the tape. Can you tell? I was wondering why they provided so much. I should have saved some for future data testing, but at least the tubes aren't going anywhere for now. Anyway, when the results come in the future, I'll be sure to update on her diagnosis status, and the tape situation is an easy fix. Praise Jesus! So let's pray, in Jesus name she does not have it. I have a cousin whom has it, so it's better to be safe than sorry. God bless, you brothers and sisters. I pray you have sweet dreams tonight, and merry hearts in the morning in Jesus name. And please keep your mind on heavenly things. 

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." - Colossians 3:1-4

It's All In Him

It's All In Him 
Written by George Farrow 
Inspired by The Holy Ghost Jesus Christ.

The Mighty God is Jesus, the Prince of Peace is He. 
The Everlasting Father, The King eternally, 
The Wonderful in wisdom, By whom all things were made, 
The fullness of the Godhead in Jesus is displayed. 

It's all in Him, It's all in Him, 
The fullness of the godhead, 
It's all in Him. 
It's all in Him, It's all in Him, 
The mighty God is Jesus 
And it's all in Him! 

Emmanuel, God with us, Jehovah, Lord of Hosts! 
The Omnipresent Spirit Who fills the universe. 
The Advocate, The High Priest, The Lamb for sinners slain, 
The Author of redemption, O glory to His name! 

It's all in Him, It's all in Him, 
The fullness of the godhead, 
It's all in Him. 
It's all in Him, It's all in Him, 
The mighty God is Jesus 
And it's all in Him! 

The Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the end, 
The Living Word incarnate, The helpless sinners friend, 
Our wisdom and perfection, Our righteousness and power 
Yea, all we need in Jesus, We find this very hour. 

It's all in Him, It's all in Him, 
The fullness of the godhead, 
It's all in Him. 
It's all in Him, It's all in Him, 
The mighty God is Jesus
 And it's all in Him! 

Our God for whom we've waited Will be our glad refrain, 
Of Israel recreated when Jesus comes again. 
Lo, He will come and save us, Our King and Priest to be, 
For in Him dwells all fullness, and Lord of All is He.